Attention Agents & Talent Scouts...
"What? I'm just sharin' some love!!"
If you're offended, please let any of the grandparents know
...I'm sure they'll understand.
Hopefully these pictures will bring a smile to your face too!! Have a great day!!
"I remember when I was young"
Celebrating Life
"Twinkle, Twinkle..."
"Dad says I'm gonna break hearts with these eyes"
"Of course, Daddy likes it when I match the decor of each church"
"Hmmm, I wonder if they're watching? There's a lot of power cords back there."
Yes, yes...more shameless pictures of my kids!
If you're offended, please let any of the grandparents know
...I'm sure they'll understand.
Hopefully these pictures will bring a smile to your face too!! Have a great day!!
"I remember when I was young"
Celebrating Life
"Twinkle, Twinkle..."
"Dad says I'm gonna break hearts with these eyes"
"Of course, Daddy likes it when I match the decor of each church"
"Hmmm, I wonder if they're watching? There's a lot of power cords back there."
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